
Blockchain Tools: Wei Converters, Hex Converters, and more

Phillip Ho

thirdweb now offers a collection of free tools that web3 developers (including the thirdweb team!) use daily.

  • Wei Converter: Convert between wei, gwei, and ether numeric values. These units are commonly used to represent precise currency amounts, gas and transaction fees, and human-readable currency amounts.
  • Hex Converter: Convert between hexadecimal and decimal numeric values. Hex values are commonly used to represent numbers in block and transaction payloads.
  • Unix Time Converter: Convert a Unix timestamp from seconds or milliseconds to a human-readable local or UTC time.
  • Keccak-256 Converter: Convert a string to a Keccak-256 hash, commonly used in Solidity logic.
The relevant Connect SDK utility methods are shown too!

Try them out, bookmark the page, and let us know what tools you’d like to see next!